Dare to Rewrite History by Accessing our Opportunities.

We have created a thorough bank of opportunities with an updated offer of grants, calls for proposals and mentorships for activists and organizations to explore, create, learn and build narrative projects about the future we dream of. 

Learn more about them and subscribe to our mailing list so you don't miss a thing.

¡Convocatoria abierta!

¿Te gustaría saber qué acciones de comunicación son más exitosas para hablar sobre la migración? En la nueva investigación que realizamos con Sensata UX, estudiamos 17 países de América Latina y obtuvimos 20 mil respuestas para comprender cómo las personas actúan frente a este tema. Ahora tú también podrás conocer los resultados en nuestro webinar de socialización.

Inscríbete aquí para asistir

Calls for Narrative Exploration

We offer financial incentives and support from our team for social justice movements to create and explore hopeful, intersectional, evidence-based narratives that connect with diverse audiences and inspire a future of dignity, empathy, care, and liberation.

If you would like to receive more information about our training programs and calls for proposals, join our mailing list here.

Training Programs

We offer virtual training to expand and strengthen our knowledge of narrative work and develop new communication skills.

If you would like to receive more information about our training programs, join our mailing list here.

Individual Mentoring

We support you in a personalized way with your narrative projects, and offer support to solve your communication needs. This is an exclusive service for organizations in Mexico and Central America through the ECOS platform.

If your organization is located in Mexico or Central America, this information is for you:

40% of the training opportunities and calls for narrative exploration are allocated to social movements in Mexico and Central America provided through the collective initiative ECOS. If you work in this region, visit the ECOS website to learn about other services offered by this initiative.