Attention activists and social organizations! It is time to strengthen our communications so that they can be the driving force behind social change in Latin America. This online training process to learn about narrative work starts here:
To reconsider the role of communications
What is the role of communications in our organizations or activism? Are we managing to change history with them? You will find in each video essential clues to rethink the role of communications in your organization or activism:
To inspire our audiences, it is not enough to just spread information: we need a clear and consistentgoal. Find out how to do it:
Who are the people we need to connect with to achieve social change? Let’s find out:
What do we need to create a communications strategy that represents our intentions for social change? You will learn the essential elements:
How to raise, position and spread narratives that are aligned with the values of our audience groups? Let’s find out:
Communication must go from being a secondary element to becoming the central axis of the strategy that guides our actions. Find out how to do it:
Collectively, we are going to change history! Let's continue this training process by going through each module.
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